السبت، 21 يناير 2012

some literature on social work in Africa

Anderson, S.C.; Wilson, M.K.; Mwansa, L.-K.; Osei-Hwedie, K. (1994): Empowerment and Social Work Education and Practice in Africa. Journal of Social Development in Africa 9(2). 71--86
Asamoah, Y. (1997): Africa. In: Mayadas, N. S.; Watts, T. D.; Elliott, D. (Hg.): International Handbook on Social Work Theory and Practice. Greenwood Press, Westport/London. 303—319
Biel, M.R. (2002): Sozialarbeit auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen europäischer Sozialpädagogik. Tectum, Marburg
Biel, M.R. (2005): Sozialarbeit in Afrika. Warum können importierte Konzepte keine Lösung für Afrika bringen? In: Lutz, R. (Hg.): Befreiende Sozialarbeit. Skizzen einer Vision. Paolo Freire Verlag, Oldenburg. 307--323
Burke, J.; Ngonyani, B. (2004): A social work vision for Tanzania. International Social Work 47(1). 39--52
Earle, N. (2008): Social Work in Social Change. The Profession and Education of Social Workers in South Africa. HSRC Press, Cape Town
Ellis, F.; Devereux, S.; White, P. (2009): Social Protection in Africa. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham/Massachusetts
Gray, M.; Coates, J.; Yellow Bird, M. (2008) (Hg.): Indigenous Social Work around the World. Towards Culturally Relevant Education and Practice. Ashgate, Aldershot
Gray, M.; Coates, J. (2008): From ‘Indigenization’ to Cultural Relevance. In: Gray, M.; Coates, J.; Yellow Bird, M. (Hg.). 13--29
Healy, L.M. (2001): International Social Work. Professional Action in an Interdependant World. Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford
Hochfeld, T.; Selipsky, L.; Mupedziswa, R.; Chitereka, C. (2009): Developmental Social Work Education in Southern and East Africa. Research Report. Centre for Social Development in Africa, Johannesburg
Kaseke, E.; Gumbo, P. (2003): Zimbabwe. In: Weiss, I.; Gal, J.; Dixon, J. (Hg.): Professional ideologies and preferences in social work: a global study. Praeger, Westport. 201--214
Kilonzo, G.P.; Hogan, N.M. (1999): Traditional African Mourning Practices are Abridged in Response to the AIDS Epidemic: Implications for Mental Health. Transcultural Psychiatry 36(3). 259--283
Laird, S.E. (2008): Social Work Practice to Support Survival Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa. British Journal of Social Work 38(1). 135--151
Lombard, A. (2008): The implementation of the White Paper for Social Welfare: A ten-year review. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher/Die Maatskaplikewerk Navorser-Praktisyn 20(2). 154—173
Lutz, R. (2003) (Hg.): Soziale Arbeit in Südafrika. Positionen und Eindrücke. Verlag Dialogische Erziehung, Oldenburg
Macdonald, D. (2001): Understanding Social Problems in Africa. In: Rwomire, A. (Hg.): Social Problems in Africa. New Visions. Praeger, Westport. 13--38
Midgley, J. (1981): Professional Imperialism: Social Work in the Third World. Heinemann, London
Midgley, J. (1995): Social Development. The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfare. Sage, London/Thousand Oaks/Dehli
Midgley, J. (2007): Soziale Entwicklung: Die Rolle der Sozialen Arbeit. In: Wagner, L., Lutz, R. (Hg.): Internationale Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit. IKO-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main/London. 129--147
Midgley, J. (2008): Promoting Reciprocal International Social Work Exchanges: Professional Imperialism Revisited. In: Gray, M.; Coates, J.; Yellow Bird, M. (Hg.). 31—45
Mmatli, T. (2008): Political activism as a social work strategy. International Social Work 51(3). 297—310
Mupedziswa, R. (1993): Uprooted. Refugees and Social Work in Africa. Journal of Social Development in Africa, Harare.
Mupedziswa, R. (2001): The quest for relevance. Towards a conceptual model of developmental social work education and training in Africa. International Social Work 44(3). 285--300
Mwine, K.H.S. (2007): Introduction to Social Work and Counselling. Methods, Principles, Perspectives, Skills and Techniques in Uganda. Global Publishers and Distributors, Kampala
Osei-Hwedie, K. (1993): The Challenge of Social Work in Africa: Starting the Indigenisation Process. Journal of Social Development in Africa 8(1). 19--30
Osei-Hwedie; K.; Rankopo, M. (2007): The Social-Cultural Basis of Indigenising Social Work in Southern Africa. In: Rehklau, C.; Lutz, R. (Hg.). 19--30
Osei-Hwedie; K.; Rankopo, M. (2008): Developing Culturally Relevant Social Work Education in Africa: The Case of Botswana. In: Gray, M.; Coates, J.; Yellow Bird, M. (Hg.). 203--217
Osei-Hwedie, K.; Ntseane, D.; Jacques, G. (2006): Searching for Appropriateness in Social Work Education in Botswana: The Process of Developing a Master in Social Work (MSW) Programme in a ‚Developing’ Country. Social Work Education 25(6). 569--590.
Rankopo, M.; Osei-Hwedie, K. (2007): The Problems of Indigenising Social Work in Botswana. In: Rehklau, C.; Lutz, R. (Hg.). 81—92
Rehklau, C.; Lutz, R. (2007b) (Hg.): Sozialarbeit des Südens. Band 2 – Schwerpunkt Afrika. Paolo Freire Verlag, Oldenburg
Rwomire, A.; Raditlhokwa, L. (1996): Social Work in Africa: Issues and Challenges. Journal of Social Development in Africa 11(2). 5--19
Semboja, J.; Therkildsen, O. (1995) (Hg.): Service Provision under Stress in East Africa. The State, NGOs & People’s Organizations in Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda. Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen
Sewpaul, V. (2006): REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES … from Africa. International Social Work 49(1). 129—136
Spitzer, H. (2006): Kinder der Straße. Kindheit, Kinderrechte und Kinderarbeit in Tansania. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt am Main
                                           Spitzer, H. (2011): Soziale Arbeit in Afrika. In: Otto, H.-U.; Thiersch, H. (Hg.):    
                                     Handbuch Soziale  Arbeit. Ernst Reinhard, München. 1310

الخميس، 19 يناير 2012

                           الخدمة الاجتماعية للأزمنة المضطربة  
                       مطارحات الخدمة الاجتماعية فى عالم غير متساو
                             أ.د. طلعت مصطفى السروجى

الأحد، 8 يناير 2012

ما الخدمة الاجتماعية ؟ التعريف الدولى الجديد المعتمد للخدمة الاجتماعية يناير 2012 بعد الاستعراض والمناقشات باللغتين العربيىة والانجليزية

التعريف الدولى المعتمد للخدمة الاجتماعية باللغة الانجليزية يناير 2012
The Social Work profession promotes social change as well as social stability, harmony and social cohesion; and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance biopsychosocial and spiritual wellbeing.  Utilising theories of the human and social sciences and tacit knowledge systems evolved within localized communities, and by adopting a simultaneous focus on both the individual and the collective,social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of both human rights and collective human responsibilities; respect for various forms of diversities, including the traditions, cultures, ideologies, beliefs and religions of groups and communities (insofar as such diversities do not violate the fundamental rights of people); sustainable development; interdependence; reciprocity and social justice are fundamental to social work.
التعريف الدولى المعتمد للخدمة الاجتماعية باللغة العربية يناير 2012
تعمل مهنة الخدمة الاجتماعية  على تشجع التغيير الاجتماعي بالاضافة إلى الاستقرار الاجتماعي والتناسق والوئام والتلاحم الاجتماعي، وتمكين  وتحرير الناس  لتعزيز الرفاهية البيولوجية النفسية الاجتماعية والروحية للانسان ، مرتكزة على الاستفادة من نظريات العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية ، وتطورا ت النظم المعرفية بوقائع المجتمعات المحلية ، ويعتمد هذا التركيز والاهتمام  على كل من الفرد والجماعة ، وتتدخل الخدمة الاجتماعية فى تفاعل السكان مع بيئاتهم. معتمدة على كلا  من مبادئ حقوق الإنسان ومسؤولياته الجماعية، واحترام   أشكال التنوع، المختلفة بما في ذلك التقاليد والثقافات والايديولوجيات والمعتقدات والأديان للجماعات والمجتمعات المحلية (ورغم هذا التنوع لا تنتهك الحقوق الأساسية لجموع الناس)، والتنمية المستدامة ؛ الاعتماد المتبادل ؛ المعاملة بالمثل والعدالة الاجتماعية كمرتكزات أساسية للخدمة الاجتماعية.

استعراض ومناقشات إعادة التعريف الدولى للخدمة الاجتماعية يناير 2012

Dear Dr.P. Elsrogi

IFSW and IASSW are in the process of reviewing the international definition of SW and consultations have been occurring to this end for a few years now. Please find attached a draft definition - that I am sending in my capacity as co-chair of the International Definition Committee of IASSW and as regional President - that you can respond to. Critique and recommendations for changes are welcome. Would the definition be acceptable within the African continent? If not what should we change so that it coheres more with African world views? All regions are involved in reviewing the definition and we would like some considered responses from Africa. Your earlier input based on the current definition adopted by IFSW and IASSW is appreciated.
Thank you

Professor Vishanthie Sewpaul (PhD)
School of Social Work and Community Development
University of KwaZulu Natal