السبت، 21 يناير 2012

some literature on social work in Africa

Anderson, S.C.; Wilson, M.K.; Mwansa, L.-K.; Osei-Hwedie, K. (1994): Empowerment and Social Work Education and Practice in Africa. Journal of Social Development in Africa 9(2). 71--86
Asamoah, Y. (1997): Africa. In: Mayadas, N. S.; Watts, T. D.; Elliott, D. (Hg.): International Handbook on Social Work Theory and Practice. Greenwood Press, Westport/London. 303—319
Biel, M.R. (2002): Sozialarbeit auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen europäischer Sozialpädagogik. Tectum, Marburg
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Gray, M.; Coates, J.; Yellow Bird, M. (2008) (Hg.): Indigenous Social Work around the World. Towards Culturally Relevant Education and Practice. Ashgate, Aldershot
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Kilonzo, G.P.; Hogan, N.M. (1999): Traditional African Mourning Practices are Abridged in Response to the AIDS Epidemic: Implications for Mental Health. Transcultural Psychiatry 36(3). 259--283
Laird, S.E. (2008): Social Work Practice to Support Survival Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa. British Journal of Social Work 38(1). 135--151
Lombard, A. (2008): The implementation of the White Paper for Social Welfare: A ten-year review. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher/Die Maatskaplikewerk Navorser-Praktisyn 20(2). 154—173
Lutz, R. (2003) (Hg.): Soziale Arbeit in Südafrika. Positionen und Eindrücke. Verlag Dialogische Erziehung, Oldenburg
Macdonald, D. (2001): Understanding Social Problems in Africa. In: Rwomire, A. (Hg.): Social Problems in Africa. New Visions. Praeger, Westport. 13--38
Midgley, J. (1981): Professional Imperialism: Social Work in the Third World. Heinemann, London
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Mmatli, T. (2008): Political activism as a social work strategy. International Social Work 51(3). 297—310
Mupedziswa, R. (1993): Uprooted. Refugees and Social Work in Africa. Journal of Social Development in Africa, Harare.
Mupedziswa, R. (2001): The quest for relevance. Towards a conceptual model of developmental social work education and training in Africa. International Social Work 44(3). 285--300
Mwine, K.H.S. (2007): Introduction to Social Work and Counselling. Methods, Principles, Perspectives, Skills and Techniques in Uganda. Global Publishers and Distributors, Kampala
Osei-Hwedie, K. (1993): The Challenge of Social Work in Africa: Starting the Indigenisation Process. Journal of Social Development in Africa 8(1). 19--30
Osei-Hwedie; K.; Rankopo, M. (2007): The Social-Cultural Basis of Indigenising Social Work in Southern Africa. In: Rehklau, C.; Lutz, R. (Hg.). 19--30
Osei-Hwedie; K.; Rankopo, M. (2008): Developing Culturally Relevant Social Work Education in Africa: The Case of Botswana. In: Gray, M.; Coates, J.; Yellow Bird, M. (Hg.). 203--217
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Sewpaul, V. (2006): REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES … from Africa. International Social Work 49(1). 129—136
Spitzer, H. (2006): Kinder der Straße. Kindheit, Kinderrechte und Kinderarbeit in Tansania. Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt am Main
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